Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Summer

                                                        “My Summer”
My summer wasn’t really all that interesting. It consisted on me going to Church every Thursday, Friday, Saturday, And Sunday. I only did one actual interesting thing that a normal person would do during there summer. I went to Universal Studios Hollywood. My best friend Sindy took me and my other best friend Christopher for our birthday’s  excluding Chris. I had the BEST fun with them while we were over there. I have only been there once but I was about 4 so I don’t remember.


Having anxiety disorder was not an easy thing for me. Everyday all I did was have panic attacks and I didn’t go to school. My teachers and counselors thought I was having problems at home and stuff but really I didn’t. I was bullied a lot and I was anxious to go back to that school. I felt that no one ever understood what I felt because every day no matter what I was sent back there and I was always looking for a way to get out. It got so serious my mom had to go to school with me every day just so I can stay in class. But either way I was still anxious. Surprisingly no one bugged me about having my mom with me instead they thought it was pretty cool. That timing was the hardest point in my life. Having social service come to your house isn’t fun. Luckily I started going to therapy and moved to a new school. I successfully finished therapy and can now control my anxiety better. All thanks to God J !!!

Student Success Statment: Confucius

               Student Success Statement
“To know what is right and not to do it is the worst cowardice”
Student Reflection: If you know what is right and you don’t do it because it is hard then you’re just being a coward. We should be brave enough to do the right thing.

Biomedical Engineer Part 2

                     Biomedical Engineer
                                   Part 2
Educational Requirements:
                     Students should take the most challenging science, math, and English courses available in high school.
All biomedical engineers have at least a bachelor’s degree in engineering. Many have advanced graduate degrees as well. Courses of study include a sound background in mechanical, chemical, or industrial engineering, and specialized biomedical training. Most programs last from four to six years and all states require biomedical engineers to pass examinations and be licensed.

                     CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Choosing the right!!!

In my 6th period class I am learning about choosing the right.  I am willing to choose it no matter how hard it is. I want to grow up and go straight to USC. I want to grow up and become a minister. If I want to complete all these things I have to choose the right. It may be a really, really, really hard thing for me to follow but it means I can achieve everything and be able to do God’s will then it’s all worth.

Student Success Statment: Always Do Right.

              Student Success Statement  
                       “Always Do Right “
                               Mark Twain
Student Reflection: Me as a student should always do right things, even when it is hard. I have always been taught to do the right thing and I think everyone should be taught that. As humans if we don’t do the right we can mess up our future. So many bad things happen in this world because people do the wrong things.