Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Student Success Statement: Charles Ketterer

                   Student Success Statement
            “The best way to predict your future is to create it”
                                                                  Charles Ketterer

Reflection: Our goals, our dreams, our choices are what come for us later in life. My dream is to go to USC and to become a writer. For now im just bettering myself in my writing but that is my dream. We start creating our future the moment we say what we want to do. Eventually you’ll work hard on it and it will become your future. Most people predict their weddings when they are so young and when they grow up they are married. They created their future. If you say you’re going to do something you do it. We create what we want in life. We cannot create our future on our own because well we did not create the things that happen to us in the future, at least not all. God has already created our future. We have to learn to declare stuff to our lives. We can declare good things because once you declare something you already have it. Our words have authority. The reason it is best to predict our future by creating it is because we do not just want to predict what’s going to happen and instead something totally different happens we want to create what’s going to happen as we grow up and as we live. Predictions are just what we think, but creating is something that will last forever.  

Nursing Home Administrator

               Nursing Home Administrator
Duties and Responsibilities:
               Nursing home administrators plan and also direct operations of nursing homes and long term care facilities. They supervise financial, medical, personnel, and nursing administration. Most of them work at nursing homes, but some of them work for large corporations that control many facilities. Also some of them are involved in teaching and in research.
Average Salary: $40,000- $50,000
Educational Requirements:
          Students who want to be nursing home administrators should take challenging high school courses in business, science, math, and English. Requirements differ but most states require them to have at least a bachelor’s degree in nursing home administration, complete an internship program, and pass an examination.

Reflection: Yes I would consider becoming this because I have seen people who do this and it seems interesting.

Friday, January 24, 2014

The School Wide Assembly

The School Wide Assembly
I think that the assembly that happened this morning was
great because they were teaching us in a fun way how to
be respectful to our teachers, how to be organized, and
how to keep our school clean. I saw how much the
teachers really care and how much spirit and care they
have for us and the school. After watching the assembly I
think something I would do to more fully live the school
rules and regulations is to show more respect. I show
respect now but I would like to show more of it. If I see
someone picking up their papers from the floor I will help
them as well. It’s all about treating people the way you
would want someone to treat you. I will also pick up trash
whenever I see some. A dirty school is in no way okay.
This is a brand new school and I’m a brand new student
here. Just started high school this year, but that doesn’t
mean I wouldn’t want my school to be dirty. I have
another 3 or 4 more years here and I would like to go to a
clean school. Lastly I will be more organized. I am aware
that sometimes I get lazy and don’t organize but If I really
want to have good grades and do good in school it’s
going to be something I have to get used to doing. The
school assembly was a great teaching and a fun teaching
about how we are supposed to be throughout our high
school year. Some may have 1 others may have 4.
Doesn’t matter. We are greatness waiting to happen.
That’s our school motto and I truly believe it. The school
assembly was amazing and I’m glad they did it, not only
because it got me out of doing P.E, but because at least
now I know how to live through out the years I’m in high
school and I know how much my teachers and my
principal care about me. We are a very lucky school.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Student Success Statement: Pablo Picasso


                Student Success Statement
        “Action is the foundational key to all success”
                                    Pablo Picasso
Reflection: Action is honestly the only way we can succeed the things we want to do in life. If we take action to reach for what we want to do then it will come true. Success does not just come to us like our friends do everyday. We have to work hard for what we want to do. We have to work hard to make our dreams come true. We can’t just la around hoping. Hope is a good thing but it also takes faith, and faith is also an action. How do we expect to get better at things. Yea I know some people are born with natural talents but they have to keep working to keep that talent. Honestly if we do not take action we will not get anywhere in life. For example let’s say you are in the middle of a street and there was a car coming your way, what are you going to do? Stand there and let the car run you over or are you going to take action and move away? Action is what makes us successful. Not being lazy. Choose the right way in life and don’t except always do. Action is the key.

Pyramid Healing

                                   Pyramid Healing

Duties and Responsibilities:
          Pyramid healing are powerful tools for achieving deep meditative states and spiritual healing, in mental and physical levels. Pyramid meditation and using pyramid energies is a powerful combination. The healing and meditation pyramids were made in accordance with the energy of the person or area. After being healed and being under the meditation pyramid for a short time you will have more energy, feel healthier, find inner peace, feel more relaxed, are able to focus, have clarity of mind, and feel balanced. The pyramid healing is an energy tool. They pyramid has been known from ancient times as a powerful design that connects to energy forces and its shaped is identified with healing qualities. This has grown popular now and are in homes to enchance energy flow mostly in homes that are governed by dullness. The powers f the pyramid are said to be endless and to experience its benefits one must try it with faith.
Reflection: No I would never want to be associated with this. A pyramid can’t heal you and do magical things only one person can. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Student Success Statement: Japanese Proverd

                        Student Success Statement
“Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.
                                           Japanese Proverb

Reflection: We don’t really expect our dreams to come true just naturally, we have to put action. For example you can be dreaming about being in a soccer team and making a goal but if you just sit there at home not practicing and not trying it’s just a daydream. Daydreams are dreams you have that don’t really come true unless you make them. But then there is action without vision. If we don’t even dream about becoming the person we are then it is a nightmare. Let’s say for some reason you became a lawyer but back then your vision was to become a doctor. It’s a nightmare for you because the one thing you will most likely say is “I wish.” Us as people need to put our actions and dreams together. We can’t sit around and except things to come to us because then there would be no meaning in life. We have to work and that’s just the way life is. We also have to make our dream come true and become what we want. You also can’t just take action and let it become a mess. Our actions and our visions matter. They are both something that really help us in life. Don’t just sit around dreaming of becoming something. Make it happen. Don’t make action until you are doing what your vision wants. 

Nuclear Medicine Technologist

                    Nuclear Medicine Technologist
Duties and Responsibilities:
  Nuclear Medicine Technologist prepare and administer radiopharmaceuticals (radioactive substances) to detect and treat a disease. They position equipment over the patients to make images. The pictures allow physicians to identify abnormal areas. It helps to diagnose illnesses. They also explain the test to the patients and administer radioactive doses by injection or by mouth. Nuclear Medicine Technologist also preform laboratory test on tissue samples. It’s a must that they follow strict safety regulations due to the dangers of the radiation effect their bodies and organs. The work is done in specialized hospital departments, clinics, or laboratories.
Average Salary: $28,000-$42,000
Educational Requirements:
             Students should take the most challenging science, math and English courses that are available in high school. Nuclear medicine technologist programs are in length from one to four years. A one year program that is lead to certification is offered by hospitals. Associate and Bachelors degrees are offered in colleges and universities. The courses include training in safety, radiation procedures, physical science, effects of radiation to the body and the organs, and computer techniques. Most states require licensing, and all technologists must meet the federal standards for administering and the use of radioactive material.

Reflection: This seems like a cool job but I wouldn’t want to become this due to the fact that it seems very hard. I’d fear not doing anything right and staying safe all the time.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Glenn Cunningham

                   Glenn Cunningham  

Reflection: The story of Glenn Cunningham is very inspirational. It tells of how he went from having damaged legs and getting told by the doctors that he might not be able to walk right ever again, and also the death of his bother. Him and his family were at the worst point In their lives. Probably rock bottom to them. What’s amazing is that even though Glenn was going through the worst at that moment in his life he still got up and moved on. He became a very popular athlete, was able to walk again. All because of his faith. His favorite verse was Isaiah 40:31 “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weart, they shall walk and not faint.” It was this mans faith in God that got him out of it. I was once at my lowest point in life as well, and because of my faith I’m still alive and breathing, I don’t have a perfect life but I have a strong faith that has made me see life a different way. So many amazing things have happened. Faith is the thing that brings us back to life. God made a miracle by fixing his legs. No matter what the doctors say those doctors have nothing compared to what God can do. Honestly this man’s story, makes me want to have just as much faith. Anything is possible if you just believe. J

Student Success Statement: William A. Ward

              Student Success Statement
Adversity causes some men to break—others to break records”
                                    William A. Ward

Reflection: Sometimes there storms occur in our lives, but we have to choose how it will effect us. My grandmother passed away on October 10. Me and my family were devesated, my mother way, my aunts and uncles were, everyone was depressed. I was sad for a really long time. But I didn’t let that storm take me down. My parents didnt let that storm take me down. Just me and my two parents and my sister. It hurt us to know that my grandmother was gone but I learned two three things after she died. First thing I learned was to take advantage of my life now, to love and forgive people. Also to love and cherish my mother as long as she lives. Lastly I learned that my grandmother was in a better place and I shouldn’t worry. I grew stronger since then. No life is perfect, we were not created to have a perfect life because if that’s what we were born for life would be boring. These storms don’t last forever. We need to learn to dance in the rain and stop focusing on the negative parts of the storm. If you just go in that little area of sunshine it will all go away. We choose how we react after it. We get stronger or worse. I broke my own record. I became the young girl my grandmother said I was going to become but never thought I was. Don’t drown in the rain. Adversity wasn’t meant to last a lifetime. 

Monitor Surveillence Technician

            Monitor Surveillance Technician
Duties and Responsibilities:
               Monitor Surveillance Technicians observe the electrical activity of heartbeats witch is displayed on monitors in a cardiac care units of hospitals. They also examine the patterns and provide the results to the physicians and the nursing staff. Monitor surveillance technicians gather and report heart pattern information on patients, operate the monitoring computers that show multiple patient results, identify heart pattern and changes, and clean and maintain the equipment, battery packs, and the wiring system.
Average Salary:
Educational Requirements:
           Students who want to become this should take math, science, and computer technology courses in high school. After graduation they should enroll in training programs at vocational schools, community colleges, or in hospitals. Programs are from three months to two years long.

Reflection: This job seems complicated so no I wouldn’t want to become this. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Students Success Statement: Anonymous Author

              Student Success Statement
“The best inspiration is not to outdo others, but to outdo ourselves.”
                       Anonymous Author

Reflection: Its best to not focus on how other people are doing and much more how we are. If someone is doing something awesome and big don’t try to do better because you end of finding that you don’t want to do that at all at the end you just want to be better. We have to outdo ourselves because we should do things we thought we couldn’t do. Perhaps you think you can’t loose weight, try to outdo yourself and do much more than you thought you can. You probably already figure “well you know I can’t work out much.” Well forget that try your best to do something amazing and outdo yourself not others. Other people are not going to have your success everyone has their own and its amazing in their eyes. Everyone is different. There is no use in trying to be better than someone else if we were created to be just ourselves. Outdo yourself. Suppose you’re addicted to the internet and you want to stop you say ill go 3 hours without touching it, outdo what you thought and go 6 hours. I think its best if we try and reach our goals by pushing ourselves and making ourselves get to it. Why would we try to outdo others? What do you gain? Yea you might end up being successful and doing it “better” than them but is that really what you were made for? We were made to do our own thing. Outdo yourself and do what you think you couldn’t do. 

Health Science Librarian

              Health Sciences Librarian
Duties and Responsibilities:
 A health science librarian provides access to any medical information through books, journals, tapes, media presentations, and the internet. They also help health providers, patients, and students sort through the information that is available. They work in a variety of places like the library of a health organization, a pharmaceutical company, health information centers, and any medical schools. They are responsible of finding the resources with the materials needed so they can be found easily, and helping users find what it is that they need.
   Salary: $20,000- $30,000 (Library Technicians)
                 $35,000- $55,000 (Librarians)
Educational Requirements:

     Students should take challenging high school courses in science, math, English, and information management. The training varies by employer. Some provide training on the job but all prefer to complete a library technicians program at a community college or technical school. During these programs and Associate degree can be earned. Health science librarians should earn an undergraduate degree in one of the life sciences and also must earn a master’s degree in library science from a program that is accredited by the American Library Association.