Wednesday, June 4, 2014

100+ Goals

100+ Goals

Reflection: My 100+ goals are my treasure, I want to achieve every single one of them. I’ve made some progress, I think one of the main things that I achieved was getting closer to God, I still need to work on some stuff but he’ll work on me. I’ve had at least 8 victories, my next victory is to work out the whole summer, I really want to do that and loose weight. I’m working on some goals, like I’ve been writing a lot of poetry enough to make a book, maybe not for everyone but for myself as a reflection on who I am and what I believe in. Some things I do need to do better though is to stop being so lazy, sometimes I just get really lazy and tired and I procrastinate and it makes me fall behind and I already know that one of my goals is to be less lazy. I want to stay committed in reading my goals because I do want to remember all the things that I want to do because God wants me to have Big Dreams and I have a lot of things I want to do that I know I can do with him. I will commit top reading these because I know that I will be doing what god wants me to do and I will be glorifying him in everything that I do. A goal is a tiny mustard seed to him so of course anything is possible.

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