Friday, October 4, 2013

Student Success Statement: Margret Thatcher

Student Success Statement
Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the highroad to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction.”
                              Margret Thatcher
Reflection: If we keep telling ourselves to do that right thing we can have a better view on ourselves. When I do something bad I feel really bad about myself and I feel like really dirty. Doing good things always make me feel good. This quote tells me that everyone needs to set some rules for themselves and not only follow the rules of others. If we want to be happy and we want to feel good about ourselves we should do the right thing. Doing the bad things is eventually going to make you feel bad. Like for example you do something bad like drugs next thing you know you’re in the hospital for overdose and you feel insecure having to look really bad physically. If we want to feel good about ourselves we have to do the right things. Make some rules for ourselves. The right thing is a boost to the top of the mountain of life. 

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