Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Student Success Statement: Bud Greenspan

Student Success Statement
"Never look to the ground for your next step. Greatness belongs to thoese who look to the horizon"
                                              Bud Greenspan
Reflection: When you look at the horizon it looks beautiful, it looks peacful, althugh there may be some ugly things here and there it is still beautiful in your eyes in your own way. In life there are many bad things that can and will happen but we have to keep our head up. With our head down we might take the next step and keep falling. For example when you're walking and you just look down at the ground and never look up you might bump into someone, you might fall, you might get hit, you might get pushed, but you don't notice because you are looking at the ground. Lool up at the sky, You can't see God but just believe he's up there, look at all the beautiful things. Sometimes we do go through tough times in life but our future won't be so ruined because of it unless we fix it. Look at the horizon and be at peace. Dance in the rain when there is a storm. Reality is you will ge nowhere walking around feeling bad for yourself, being lazy. Have faith and be courageous, i know that the future is something we have to work hard for but in the end its all worth it. We all have greatness inside of us, and we all have a talent and potential that God has given us for a reason. We are all greatness wiating to happen. For all we know you might be the person to invent a cure for cancer but unless you keep your head held high and stay strong no matter what goes on i can assure you that you will get truly blessed.

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