Student Success
“Act well In your part; there all
honor lies.”
Alexander Pope
Reflection: There is a lot of honor in everything we
do. The good things not the bad things. You can’t find honor in stealing, you
cannot find honor in doing drugs. Why? Because when you do drugs you are not
honoring God, yourself, and those who have authority over you. You just can’t.
The definitions for Honor are; high respect; esteem,
a privilege, and regard with respect. You
are now aware of what it means. You know you should have a lot of honor, you
are a child of the most high, a child of God. It is a privalage because we are
sinners, we do not honor him all the time but he still loves us despite
anything and everything. Also, with respect, we should respect ourselves, our
parents, our friends, our enemies, everyone. Especially God. There is where
honor lies, because everything that’s good is honorable.
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